Lion Yawning

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Some Turkish newspapers reported, a strange phenomenon happens every day in a zoo in Azmeer, west Turkey. There, hundreds of people each day Turkey adzan shubuh time came to stand in front of a lion cage, and listen to pronounce the name of God .!!??

Some sources add, every day hundreds of people willing to wait for hours in front of a police officer to listen to one of the lions roaring in there that repeat-back 'Lafzhul Jalalah' (the name of God). They also take photos of the lion and the voice recording in the CD. Imply that source, there are some visitors who purchase the CD. Such as the site inform Arabic 'El Bawwabah'.

In his press conference to the Turkish newspaper, the director of the zoo is asserted, this phenomenon is indeed very scattered. Once this is any sign of God but there are those who are too exaggerate his part to ask that they have allowed the lion enclosure to clean it or even touch any of them in prayer before .!!??

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